#include#include #include using namespace std;// binary search tree nodestruct BSTreeNode{ int value; struct BSTreeNode *leftChild; struct BSTreeNode *rightChild;};void addBSTreeNode(struct BSTreeNode **ppRoot/*double pointer to the root*/, int new_value);void printBSTree(ofstream *fout, struct BSTreeNode *root, int level);void treeToLinkedList(struct BSTreeNode **ppHead, struct BSTreeNode **ppTail, struct BSTreeNode *root);int main() { ifstream fin ("tree_to_linked_list.in"); ofstream fout ("tree_to_linked_list.out"); int in; struct BSTreeNode *root = NULL, *head = NULL, *tail = NULL, *node = NULL; if(fin.good() == false) { cerr << "file open failed" << endl; return 0; } while(true) { if(fin.eof()) break; fin >> in; addBSTreeNode(&root, in); } printBSTree(&fout, root, 0); fout << endl; treeToLinkedList(&head, &tail, root); for(node = head; node != NULL; node = node->rightChild) { fout << node->value << " "; } fout << endl; for(node = tail; node != NULL; node = node->leftChild) { fout << node->value << " "; } fout << endl; return 0;}void addBSTreeNode(struct BSTreeNode **ppRoot/*double pointer to the root*/, int new_value){ if(*ppRoot == NULL) { *ppRoot = new struct BSTreeNode(); (*ppRoot)->value = new_value; return; } if(new_value == (*ppRoot)->value) { return; } else if(new_value < (*ppRoot)->value) { addBSTreeNode(&(*ppRoot)->leftChild, new_value); } else { addBSTreeNode(&(*ppRoot)->rightChild, new_value); }}void printBSTree(ofstream *pFout, struct BSTreeNode *root, int level){ if(root == NULL) return; printBSTree(pFout, root->leftChild, level + 1); int i; for(i = 0; i < level; i ++) (*pFout) << "\t"; (*pFout) << root->value << endl; printBSTree(pFout, root->rightChild, level + 1);}void treeToLinkedList(struct BSTreeNode **ppHead, struct BSTreeNode **ppTail, struct BSTreeNode *root){ struct BSTreeNode *ltemp, *rtemp; if(root == NULL) { (*ppHead) = NULL; (*ppTail) = NULL; return; } treeToLinkedList(ppHead, <emp, root->leftChild); treeToLinkedList(&rtemp, ppTail, root->rightChild); if(*ppHead == NULL) { (*ppHead) = root; root->leftChild = NULL; } else { root->leftChild = ltemp; ltemp->rightChild = root; } if(*ppTail == NULL) { (*ppTail) = root; root->rightChild = NULL; } else { root->rightChild = rtemp; rtemp->leftChild = root; }}
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